Recent Publications

  • Jambon, M., Colasante, T., & Malti, T. (2024). Machiavellian behavior and social-emotional functioning in middle childhood and early adolescence. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication.

    Kil, H., Sibalis, A., Colasante, T., Jambon, M., Acland, E., Suri, A., Malti, T., & Andrade, B.F. (2024) Physiological dysregulation in children with and without externalizing difficulties: Novel insights from intensive longitudinal data. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 52, 21-33.

    McQuillan, K., Yoshida-Montezuma, Y., Jambon M., Vanderloo, L.M., Gonzalez A., & Anderson L.N. (2024). Physical activity and unexpected weight change in Ontario children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysis of the Ontario Parent Survey 2. PLoS ONE 19(2), e0292934.

    Bennett, T., Drmic, I., Gross, J., Jambon, M., Kimber, M., Zaidman-Zait, A., Andrews, K., Frei, J., Duku, E., Georgiades, S., Gonzalez, A., Janus, M., Lipman, E., Pires, P., Prime, H., Roncadin, C., Salt, M., & Shine, R. (2024). The Family-Check-Up® Autism Implementation Research (FAIR) Study: Protocol for a study evaluating the effectiveness and implementation of a family-centered intervention within a Canadian autism service setting. Frontiers in Public Health: Children and Health, 11, 1309154.

  • Dys, S., Jambon, M., Buono, S., & Malti, T. (2023). Attentional control moderates the relation between sympathy and ethical guilt. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 184(3), 198–211.

    Khoury, A., Jambon, M., Giles, L., Atkinson, L., & Gonzalez, A. (2023). Trajectories of distress from pregnancy to 15-months post-partum during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1104386.

    Colasante, T., Galarneau, E., Speidel, R., Suri, A., Acland, E., Jambon, M., Andrade, B., & Malti, T. (2023). Autonomic arousal, ethical guilt, and externalizing behavior in childhood: A clinical extension and replication. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 51, 427–440.

    Peplak, J., Jambon, M., Bottoni, A., & Malti, T. (2023). Refugee-specific conversations relate to children’s prosocial emotions and behaviors toward refugee newcomers. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 47(3), 221–232.

  • Anderson, L., Yoshida-Montezuma, Y., Jambon, M., Smith, B., Carsley, S., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Income precarity and child and parent weight change during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysis of the Ontario Parent Survey. BMJ Open, 12, e063653.

    Jambon, M., Colasante, T., Mitrevski, D., Acland, E., & Malti, T. (2022). Is feeling bad good enough? Ethical guilt and callous-unemotional traits in childhood. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50(8), 1041-1053.

    Jambon, M., & Malti, T. (2022). Developmental relations between children's peer relationship quality and prosocial behavior: The mediating role of trust. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 183(3), 197-210.

    Zhang, X., Jambon, M., Afifi, T., Atkinson, L., Bennett, T., Duku, E., Duncan, L., Joshi, D., Kimber, M., MacMillan, H., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Mental health help-seeking in parents and trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms: Lessons learned from the Ontario Parent Survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology 13, 884591.

  • Acland, E., Jambon, M., & Malti, T. (2021). Children’s emotion recognition and aggression: A multi-cohort longitudinal study. Aggressive Behavior, 47(6), 646-658.

    Jambon, M., Colasante, T., & Malti, T. (2021). A longitudinal investigation of the happy victimizer tendency in childhood: A matter of control or care? Developmental Psychology, 57(5), 689-701.

    Jambon, M., Colasante, T., Ngo, H., Dys, S., & Malti, T. (2021). Peer victimization and sympathy development in childhood: The moderating role of emotion regulation. Social Development, 30(2), 463-481.

    Colasante, T., Jambon, M., Gao, X., & Malti, T. (2021). A process model linking physiological arousal and fear recognition to aggression via guilt in middle childhood. Development and Psychopathology, 33(1), 109-121.

  • Jambon, M. & Smetana, J. (2020). Self-reported moral emotions and physical and relational aggression in early childhood: A social domain approach. Child Development, 91, e92-e107.

    Noh, J., Jambon, M., Smetana, J., Lee, I., & Killen, M. (2020). Children’s evaluations of necessary harm: The roles of maternal disapproval and friend relationship status. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 66(2), 145-173. Available at:

    Rote, W., Olmo, M., Feliscar, L., Jambon, M., Ball, C., & Smetana, J. (2020). Helicopter parenting and perceived overcontrol by emerging adults: A family-level profile analysis. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 29, 3153–3168.

  • Jambon, M., Madigan, S., Plamondon, A., Daniel, E., & Jenkins, J. (2019). The development of empathic concern in siblings: A reciprocal influence model. Child Development, 90, 1593-1613.

    Jambon, M., Madigan, S., Plamondon, A., & Jenkins, J. (2019). Developmental trajectories of physical aggression and prosocial behavior in early childhood: Family antecedents and psychological correlates. Developmental Psychology, 55, 1211-1225.

    Jambon, M., Colasante, T., Peplak, J., & Malti, T. (2019). Anger, sympathy, and children’s reactive and proactive aggression: Testing a differential correlate hypothesis. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47, 1013-1024.

    Jambon, M., & Smetana, J. (2019). Socialization of moral judgments and reasoning. In D. Laible, G. Carlo, & L. M. Padilla-Walker (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of parenting and moral development (pp. 375-390). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

  • Jambon, M. & Smetana, J. (2018a). Callous-unemotional traits moderate the association between children’s early moral understanding and aggression: A short-term longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 54, 903-915.

    Jambon, M., & Smetana, J. (2018b). Individual differences in prototypical moral and conventional judgments and children’s proactive and reactive aggression. Child Development, 89, 1343-1359.

    Smetana, J., Jambon, M., & Ball, C. (2018). Normative changes and individual differences in early moral judgments: A constructivist developmental perspective. Human Development, 61, 264-280.

    Malti, T., Colasante, T., & Jambon, M. (2018). Aggression and morality in childhood and adolescence. In T. Malti and K. Rubin (Eds.), Handbook of child and adolescent aggression (pp. 212-229). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

    Jambon, M. & Smetana, J. (2018). Morality. In M. Bornstein (Ed.) SAGE encyclopedia of lifespan human development, 2nd edition, Vol. 4 (pp. 1435-1439). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing.

    Smetana, J. & Jambon, M. (2018). Parenting, morality, and social development: New views on old questions. In C. Helwig (Ed.) New perspectives on moral development (pp. 121-139). New York: Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis.

    Smetana, J., Ball, C., Jambon, M., & Yoo, H. (2018). Are young children’s preferences and evaluations of moral and conventional transgressors associated with domain distinctions in judgments? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 173, 284-303.